Frequently Asked Questions
Does this support PlaceholderAPI?
Yes, it does. Here's a list of the currently available placeholders!
Last updated
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, it does. Here's a list of the currently available placeholders!
Last updated
Current player's ping
Current player's total kills
Current player's total deaths
Current player's total wins
Current player's total games played
Current player's best win streak
Current player's current win streak
Leaderboard player position by kills
Leaderboard player position by deaths
Leaderboard player position by wins
Leaderboard player position by games played
Leaderboard player position by best win streak
Leaderboard player position by current win streak
If the player is in the lobby, returns true
If the player is waiting in a game, returns true
If the player is in a game, returns true
If the player is spectating a game, returns true
Current game's countdown time
Current game's time remaining
Total players in all games
Current game's alive players
Current game's max players
Current game's required players to start
Current game's active game modifier
Current game's active map modifier
Current game's map name
Current game's map display name
Current player's kills in the game
Current game's winner