September 5th, 2022
Update Changelog
NEW Commands:
You can now set a different FFA Location for Spawn FFA
Configurable title for Duels Map Selection
Configurable Special Effect/Death Effects lore
Scoreboard and hotbar config files have a prettier default design
Post-Match Next Page item, it was a PAPER before, now it's a LEVER
Forced player teleportation twice to bypass some spigot forks with player movement packet bugs
Unranked and Ranked Menus can have different sizes. This means that they won't share the same Menu size anymore
Boxing hits glitch
Data Loading issues
/cancelmatch is now back
/tournament is now back
/kit get inv <kit>
It wasn't even working
/kit get editorinv <kit>
Not giving the armor from the kit
/kit set refillinv <kit>
Removed additional unneeded argument
/kit set editorinv <kit>
Removed additional unneeded argument
/kit set damageticks <kit> <ticks>
i forgor to add it xd
/arena delete
It didn't send the arena name, instead, it sent the class name
/data set
Forgot to add a permission to allow their execution
Clickable message didn't actually open the URL
Post-Match Subtitle colors not shown properly
Fixed PAPI placeholder %frost_kit_<kitName>_<leaderboardPosition>%
Old practice player data loader
Old useless and unnecessary code from older versions
Required Config Changes
Add the following String below the POST-MATCH-INVENTORY section
Add the following String below the DUEL-INVENTORY-TITLE in the QUEUE-INVENTORY section
Add the following Integers below the NAME String in the QUEUE-INVENTORY section
Replace your DEATH-EFFECTS-INVENTORY section with the one below
Last updated