March 11th, 2022
Update Changelog
Arena Info now displays the kits that have that arena whitelisted
UnrankedPosition, RankedPosition and EditorPosition to kits (replaces SlotPosition which was global for all queues menus and editor)
/practiceprofile and /leaderboards are now performed Asynchronously
Null Player trying to be reset when disconnecting on an Event
Async chunk load that caused tracker issues on SkyWars Event
When the SkyWars event ran out of time, the map wouldn't reset
Possibly fixed the NPE caused on LeaderboardManager regarding WinStreaks
ExcludedArenas Kit Setting
Viper and Luca styles (because they were the least used)
You'll need to set the new Kit Slot Positions using /kit <unrankedPos/rankedPos/editorPos> <kitName> <slotNumber>
Last updated