December 14th, 2020
Update Changelog
NetherFight kit type (/kit nether <kitName>)
Custom Tablist can be disabled on settings.yml
The leaderboard hologram is not obligatory anymore
Unranked matches played before playing Ranked requirement
New Event Manager, works with a GUI (Usage: /manage <eventName>)
New command, /Ongoing (this will show all the matches being currently played)
Player Death Animation (drops the player armor and sword, entire inventory if it's a party match)
Customizable lobby, party, match (1v1) and party FFA (also Party Split, but isn't finished) tablists
New tournament system, you can now join with your own party to 2v2 or bigger teams tournaments
New command, /SafeStop (this will gracefully end all ongoing matches and lock queues, once that's done the server restarts itself)
Changed match countdown title, it's smoother now
Changed the Back button from a BED to REDSTONE
Changed coal blocks for black glass panes on Kit Editor
Changed the Other Parties menu size to twice it's old size
Player's vanillaTab setting is now false by default (showing the modern tablists)
Some events bugs
TablistAPI updating bugs
Spawn Items breakability (now unbreakable)
Unused methods
Old tournament system
New post-match inventory design
Configurable events lore on event hosting menu
Redesign on how the post-match messages work and are
Configurable format for leaderboards menu for player entries (1 | PlayerName - ELO)
Spigot Support for: xSpigot, SpigotX, DubaiSpigot, JupiterSpigot (to handle kits knockback profiles)
Last updated