October 19th, 2021
Update Changelog
NEW Kit Setting:
HCF Trap
NEW Commands:
/kit hcftrap <kitName>
/arena addToAllKits <arenaName>
/arena removeFromAllKits <arenaName>
Post-Match Winner/Loser Title
Match Alert on countdown finish
Post-Match Spectators Message
Bridges scores Post-Match Message
Spawn and Vanilla Tablist Nametags
Configurable "Default Kit" book name
Configurable Kit Editor Inventory (title, size and lore)
Configurable Arrow shot messages (cooldown and hit)
Fillable-Glass setting for GUI's (Queues, Duels and Party)
Top and Bottom lore splitters for Leaderboards and Settings
Kit Editor for kits with automatic armor and block coloring (bridges and similar kits)
Updated MinemenClub Leaderboard Style
Points can now be displayed on BattleRush or Bridges when a player scores a point
Typos on scoreboard.yml
Fly not being disabled when joining FFA
Updated MinemenClub Leaderboard Style
Tournament Kit Button not cycling properly
Fly disabling while on spawn, joining parties or queueing
Ranked Post-Match ELO Update message not displayed
Special Death Effects button not cycling if the player didn't have all effects
Cleaned a lot of dogshit and ugly boilerplate code
SkyWars Event
Last updated